
All our online student performance events are fully open for all and are entirely free of cost to attend. So, please stay tuned for regular performance updates!

Upcoming Events

blue and white striped round textile
blue and white striped round textile

Stay tuned! New events coming soon!

black blue and yellow textile

Finished Events

September 2024 - Online Student Concert

With great excitement, Aum Piano Studio welcomes you to its second online student concert of the year 2024!!! 😀🎉❤️ This September 29th, 2024 (Sunday) at 7AM IST, we will have a few of our most talented and effortless keyboard and piano players perform for you a variety of music, both in style, genre and time period they were composed! Join us and kickstart your weekend with some great music! ✨🎵😁🎹❤️ -

Posted on 27/09/2024

March 2024 - Online Student Concert

This March 17th, 2024 (Sunday) at 3PM IST, Aum Piano Studio will be hosting an Online Student Concert, our first event for the year of 2024. The event will feature pianists and keyboardists of all age and skillset perform diverse music with great love and dedication. We will love for you to join us and show our dedicated hardworking musicians your encouragement and support! Please join using the following link -

Posted on 12/03/2024

MTB Exam Board's Indian Syllabus Prelaunch Event!

MTB (Music Teachers’ Board) Exams, an OFQUAL accredited graded international music examination board from The UK is planning to launch a new inclusive syllabus for music students within India from January 2024 which will allow students to not only learn and sit for music exams using western classical and contemporary music but will also allow them to consider a range of Indian repertoire, including regional, folk, traditional and film music from diverse regions. This Nov 27th, 7pm IST, there will be a pre-launch event at KM College of Music & Technology, Arumbakkam, Chennai where Karl Lutchmayer, MTB India’s Head of Music & Pedagogy and his Team will be presenting a fresh perspective on India’s music education system, along with updates on MTB’s existing and forthcoming offerings. This event will also observe student performances, featuring music from the new syllabus including our own keyboard  student, Advait Inna Kedige.

Posted on 21/11/2023

Christmas Concert Coming Up Soon!

Our little darlings from different corners of the world have been excitedly working with each other on some beautiful Christmas carols. And we are super excited to bring you a variety of program this Christmas. Our concert video will be uploaded on our youtube channel on 22/12/2022 (Thursday) at 9am IST. So stay tuned! Once again, Merry Christmas everyone! 😀🎄🎁🎅🏻💫

Posted on 05/12/2022

To watch the concert video, please

Piano Concert Coming Up Soon!

Padmavathy Divakaran, our director and her three talented musician friends are performing a piano concert on 19/11/2022, 05.30PM (IST) at The Bangalore School of Music. Do drop by if you are around! For tickets, please click on the centre poster!

Posted on 08/11/2022

Do you have a music lesson or event related enquiry? If so, feel free to reach out to us!